Mar 16, 2018
1. Change DNS Server to Google or OpenDNS. Follow the steps below to change DNS Servers on your computer to either Google DNS or OpenDNS. 1. Open Settings > click on Network & Internet. 2. On the Network & Internet Settings screen, scroll down in the right pane and click on Change Adapter Options. 3. DNS Servers Keep Changing Away from OpenDNS Automatically Jun 28, 2019 What happens when I change my DNS settings to point to May 12, 2020 Get Started | Public DNS | Google Developers
I changed DNS settings, but they haven't taken effect
How to Change DNS Servers on Most Popular Routers Jul 14, 2020
Changing DNS settings. To accesss DNS settings menu, click on the "Account Manager" icon at the main control panel menu click on the "DNS Management" link. From there you will see all written DNS records of your webiste. Above is an example of the DNS settings for The next sections provide information on changing A, CNAME, NS
Mar 26, 2020 How to Change DNS Servers in Windows - Lifewire Open Control Panel. On Windows 8.1, select Network Connections from the Power User Menu, then …